The seventh edition of the Cástulo Iberian Roman Festivities would have started its extensive program of activities in Linares today, to extend throughout the weekend and make the public vibrate.

Linares will be the scene of the filming of the film "El thread dorado", by director Tomás Aceituno, starting next July 12. A social-themed film by the Linarian author, sponsored by the Linares City Council and the Junta de Andalucía.

The Councilor for Tourism of the City Council of Linares, Enrique Mendoza, together with the territorial Delegate for Tourism, Raquel Morales, has presented to the press the start of this filming that will mean that, for 35 days, a team of more than 25 people will remain in the city, with the consequent economic impact. This has been highlighted by Mendoza, who has also highlighted that, in parallel, this film will serve as a national and international promotion not only of the streets and buildings of Linares, but also of its traditions and outstanding events, such as the Roman Iberian Festivities.

And it is that "The Golden Thread" will have as its setting, among others, the Hospital de Los Marqueses, the Madrid Station or the old town. The national and international diffusion of the film will value the cultural and tourist heritage of the town. At the same time, filming in the city will boost the economy, especially in the hotel and commercial sector, derived from the team's permanence in Linares. Reasons, as explained by the Councilor for Tourism, sufficient to support and encourage the work of Tomás Aceituno from Linar del Río.

This film also has the financial support of the Tourism Department of the Junta de Andalucía, as expressed by the territorial Delegate of the area, Raquel Morales, first of all for the enhancement of the heritage of Linares, but also for the tourist contribution that It will mean for the city in a season in which support for the commercial, tourism and hospitality sectors is essential due to the effects of the health crisis derived from COVID-19.

"The Golden Thread", as its director has pointed out, will follow the line of social cinema, Tomás Aceituno's brand. The script is based on a true story of some grandparents who want to get their granddaughter back. Eva Pedraza, Cristina Mediero, Paco Roma, Carlos Guardia and Nieves de la Luz star in this film in which part of the team (100% Andalusian) is also from Linares. The cantaora Estrella Morente will perform the main theme of “El Wire Dorado”, which is produced by Tomás Aceituno producciones, JaGDreams Producciones and Mirrow Films. The filming will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the competent health authorities derived from the situation due to COVID-19.

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