Hundreds of people are already actively participating in the Official Parade of Troops and Legions of the Ibero-Roman Festivities of Cástulo. Sign up and become a Roman, Iberian or Carthaginian by creating your own clothing, attending training workshops and being part of the cultures of Cástulo.

See the Triumphal Parade that will run through the most central streets of the city of Linares during the Cástulo Festival. An event carried out with the participation of the population itself, that each edition feels more united and involved in the celebration of these festivals, and the collaboration of professionals and historical re-enactors from different parts of Spain.

RUN ANIBAL e Himilcus

Do not miss the opportunity and participate in the Contest "Live the story of Aníbal & Himilce" organized to highlight the figure of two of the most important characters from the past of the Archaeological Ensemble of Cástulo.

In its two versions, junior and senior, the participants who so wish may participate in this contest to be chosen and play the role of the Punic general Aníbal and the Iberian princess Himilce during the Ibero-Roman Festivities of Cástulo. The chosen ones will be endowed with the own clothing of these characters to reincarnate during the holidays to the most famous marriage of our Ibero-Roman history.


As part of the program for the Ibero Roman Festivals of Cástulo, the sporting cross brings together the bravest athletes in the ancient Ibero-Roman city of Cástulo. Coming from different parts of the country, there are 200 athletes who come to Linares to participate in this unique sporting event that has been held within the archaeological site since 2015.

Done in different classifications, this modality of cross-country athletics brings together the best 'gladiators' who face a spectacular 5-mile route that runs through the most relevant archaeological finds of the Archaeological Ensemble of Cástulo.


The Children's Troop Parade is organized with the intention of involving the boys and girls of Linares in the activities carried out during the Ibero Roman Festival of Cástulo. The participation of the Educational Centers, as well as that of their Associations of Mothers and Fathers (AMPAS), reinforces the knowledge of our young people about their history and their connection with the archaeological site of Cástulo.

Through this activity, the aim is to bring the Iberian-Roman past closer to the youngest of the city and expand knowledge about its history through the family and reinforcing the values of union and joint learning of our heritage.


Con la intención de involucrar a los centros educativos en las actividades desarrolladas durante este evento, cada año  se diseña un programa escolar específico para dar a conocer el evento entre los escolares. Durante la actividad, son los propios iberos, cartagineses y romanos los que visitan en persona los centros educativos de Linares para compartir con los más pequeños la importancia de Cástulo y su puesta en valor a través de las Fiestas Ibero Romanas de Cástulo.

Este programa escolar pretende dar a conocer el pasado Íbero-Romano en los centros educativos y ampliar así los conocimientos de los estudiantes sobre su pasado, así como la importancia de la protección, conservación y puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural.



Oficina de Turismo de “El Pósito Linares”

Horario: miércoles a domingo de 10 a 14h y de 17 a 19h. (septiembre – mayo) // de 10 a 14h y de 18 a 20h. (junio – agosto)

Teléfono: 953 100 183

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