This past weekend, Linares celebrated the VI Iberian-Roman Festivities of Cástulo with massive citizen participation and a vast and renewed program that has valued the Ibero-Roman city of Cástulo.

La sexta edición de las Fiestas Íbero Romanos de Cástulo, unido al III Festival de Teatro de Cástulo, se han celebrado desde el pasado 4 al 12 de mayo en Linares. Año tras año, la celebración de este evento turístico-cultural se ha consolidado, convirtiéndolo en una iniciativa única y de referencia en la provincia de Jaén.

Durante estos días, Linares ha revivido su historia gracias a la recreación de las costumbres, tradiciones e incluso la gastronomía típica de la época íbero-romana de Cástulo. Todo ello se realizado con el fin de ensalzar el valor patrimonial e histórico-artístico del enclave arqueológico de Cástulo a través de la promoción turística.

La sexta edición ha superado todas las expectativas esperadas y han logrado que cerca de 45.000 personas disfruten durante estos días de las Fiestas de Cástulo. 

Este año se ha dado un salto en cuanto a la calidad y a la cantidad de las actividades programadas dentro de la organización y desarrollo del evento. Han sido muchas las nuevas iniciativas puestas en marcha desde la Concejalía de Turismo del Ayuntamiento de Linares para poner en valor la antigua ciudad ibero-romana durante estos días pasados de fiesta.

De manera previa a las Fiestas de Cástulo, el sábado 4 de mayo dio comienzo el III Festival de Teatro de Cástulo. Este Festival comenzó con la representación de “Quinto Torio: Benefactor de Cástulo”, una obra realizada por la Asociación Cultural Castvlvm que colgó el cartel de ‘entradas agotadas’ en el Teatro Cervantes. Al día siguiente se representó “Después de Fedra”, de la compañía teatral Paripé Teatro, que nos trajo una obra protagonizada por Amada Santos.

Dentro de la tercera edición del Festival de Teatro se realizaron las aclamadas visitas teatralizadas por el Conjunto Arqueológico de Cástulo. Las plazas se agotaron rápidamente para este recorrido teatralizado por el yacimiento arqueológico, en el que los visitantes fueron acompañados por los más relevantes personajes de Cástulo y en los que fueron visitando los espacios y elementos más importantes de la antigua ciudad íbero-romana. 

Las VI Fiestas Ibero Romanas de Cástulo comenzaron el jueves 9 de mayo con el tradicional Mercado ibero-Romano “Macellum”, en la Plaza del Ayuntamiento y el Campamento “Castrum” en el Paseo de Linarejos, que este año ambos estrenaron ubicación. Durante estos cuatro días, se han realizado decenas de animaciones, pasacalles y actividades infantiles que han atraído la atención de miles de linarenses y foráneos que no dudaron en acercarse a los puestos para descubrir la artesanía de esta época.

El jueves fue un día muy emotivo gracias al Encendido del Fuego Sagrado, que marcó el comienzo oficial de la VI edición de las Fiestas. En el Campamento, se realizó una ceremonia de inauguración donde Aníbal e Himilce, ante cientos de personas, prendieron la llama del fuego que posteriormente fue trasladada hasta Cástulo. Los atletas linarenses Tony Segura y Paqui Garrido portaron el Fuego Sagrado por las calles y caminos hasta su llegada a la antigua ciudad ibero romana, donde J. Antonio González “Aouita” cogió el último relevo y nos hizo vivir un momento único donde los asistentes vibraron de emoción en su entrada al yacimiento arqueológico portando la llama. Tras este encendido en Cástulo, dio comienzo la representación teatral de “El Falso Verdadero” de La Coracha Teatro, que consiguió sacar las risas y aplausos de los más de 350 espectadores allí presentes.

El viernes por la mañana estuvo íntegramente dedicada a los más pequeños. A las 10.30h. dio comienzo el Desfile de Tropas Infantil realizado en colaboración con las Asociaciones de Padres y Madres de los Centros Educativos: Colón, Salesianos, SAFA, Jaén, Andalucía, Marqueses de Linares, San Joaquín, Linarejos, Europa y Santa Engracia. Fueron cerca de 200 alumnos/as que, acompañados de alguno de sus progenitores o su profesor/a del centro, realizaron un pasacalles por el centro de Linares. Todos ellos, ataviados de las vestimentas típicas de la época ibera, cartaginesa y romano, fueron la atracción de decenas de centros educativos que salieron a la calle con su alumnado para contemplar este espectáculo. 

Tras este desfile, los niños y niñas allí presentes pudieron descubrir el Mosaico de los Amores gracias a la representación teatral realizada por el IES Santa Engracia y el Club Ritmo Andalucía. Una obra de teatro, creada y realizada íntegramente por el alumnado y profesorado del centro, llamada “El mosaico cobra vida” donde interpretaron cada uno de los hitos del Mosaico de los Amores.

At night, the Paseo de Linarejos Camp was filled with music and dance thanks to the performance “Danzas a Cástulo” performed by Ángel Solana and Marcos Cruz's Ballet de Linares. A little later, the Roman Bacchanal began where those gathered there enjoyed a conviviality in the presence of Bacchus, God of Wine, and contemplated the dances and animations prepared for this celebration.

Saturday was the big day of the Cástulo Festival. The morning began with the "Aspar Games" at the Camp, where hundreds of children had fun playing the most traditional games of the time, such as rings, archery and they were even able to get on a boat that 'sailed 'all over the Paseo de Linarejos. Later came the day of coexistence with the Linares partygoers held in the "tabernae", where the Brotherhood of the Holy Supper served the typical tapas of Linares, adapted to the Ibero-Roman era, during the days of celebration.

It was there that the Iberians who came from Galera (Granada) enjoyed and met the participants of the Cástulo Festivities. After the twinning between the Linares City Council and the Galera City Council last summer, the Iberians from the Tútugi Necropolis were invited to Linares to discover the Cástulo Festivities. During the day on Saturday this coexistence was held that brought together hundreds of people and gave way to the subsequent delivery of gifts between the mayors of both municipalities.

Saturday afternoon began with the Parade of Troops and Legions of the Ibero-Roman Festivities of Cástulo. This edition, the great triumphal parade broke the expectations of the thousands of attendees who took to the streets of Linares to see this show. The more than 650 participants in the troop parade drew the attention of those present for the quality and innovation of their clothing. It should be noted that this year the number of festeros has tripled compared to the previous edition and that, with the exception of the presence of the Iberians from Galera, the entire Troop Parade was made up of citizens of Linares.

The musical accompaniment came from the hand of the Hermandad del Santo Entierro, Hermandad de los Estudiantes and the Hermandad del Rescate, whose leading bands paraded alongside the Iberian, Carthaginian and Roman troops, providing rhythm and melody to the Troops Parade.

After the Grand Triumphal Parade, the Grand Circus Maximus by Legend Especialistas began. This faithful and realistic recreation of an authentic Roman Circus, sold all the tickets and completed the capacity of the Linares Bullring. The thousands of spectators gathered in this enclosure witnessed the fight of four gladiators who fought to the death in search of their freedom. Excitement, jubilation and many shouts echoed that night in the Plaza to cheer the gladiators of each faction.

Sunday started with sports. In the Archaeological Ensemble of Cástulo, the fourth edition of the Cástulo Cross and the first edition of the Cástulo Children's Cross were held. More than 240 runners participated in this sporting event that passed through the archaeological site of Cástulo and where they met Iberians, Carthaginians and Romans from Linares who were distributed along the route to encourage the participants and thus set the scene a little more event.

For this test, we had the collaboration of the Linares Mountain Club at all times, which did a great job of organization, as well as La Tortuga Azul and El Corte Inglés, which provided provisioning products to the athletes.

In the afternoon, the theatrical work “El Mosaico Cobra Vida” was performed by the Cástulo Festival Theater Group, made up of the parade participants and the Linares Theater Associations. Each one of them reincarnated the characters of the Mosaic of Loves to bring the history of this mosaic a little closer to the hundreds of attendees.

The sixth edition of the Ibero Roman Festival of Cástulo came to an end in a spectacular way. After the theater, there was a great show where light, music, gunpowder and fire were the protagonists.

To close the Cástulo Festival, an exhibition was held for the first time where a dancer juggled between smoke and fire. The end came with the pyrotechnic show, by the “No Somos Monstruos” Theater Company, which, thanks to the fireworks and the smell of gunpowder, did not leave any of those present indifferent.

With regard to the commercial initiative of Los Días de Mercurio, the results have been very positive. During the holidays, this initiative carried out together with the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Merchants and Industrialists of Linares (ACIL), has maintained the participation of more than 250 establishments, where there are shops, hoteliers, opticians, pharmacies , hairdressers and a long etcetera. All of them made discounts and special offers available to the customer and many of them were encouraged to take their merchandise to the streets, which were specially cut during the commercial day on Friday and Saturday to celebrate the Cástulo Festivities.

The commercial streets of Linares were almost inaccessible due to the large number of pedestrians, the shops of Linares were overflowing and it was almost impossible to find a niche in the hotel and catering establishments during these days, so the objective of involving actively to the Linarense commerce and to promote the cultural, leisure and shopping tourism attraction in the city.

In short, they have been four days of intense tourist, commercial and promotional activity. Proof of this is the hotel occupancy in Linares, which has maintained 100% occupancy in each of the hotels and guesthouses in the city.

The Department of Tourism of the City Council of Linares is very satisfied with the work carried out during these days and values the involvement of the city of Linares, which has managed to set a record in citizen participation and has valued its Iberian-Roman past, making known to the thousands of visitors that we have received these days the importance of its history through the historical recreation of this tourist event.


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